Petric Ivo

Petric Ivo

* 1931 Ljubljana

Born 16 June 1931 in Ljubljana, where he still lives and works. Studied composition (under L.M.Skerjanc) and conducting (under Dr. D.Švara) at the Ljubljana Academy of Music, graduating in 1958. He has been a member of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra (1955-58), a freelance musician (1958 – 72), secretary of the DSS (1972-80) and since 1971 the director of Editions DSS. Between 1979 and 1995 he was artistic director of the Slovene Philarmonic Society. Petrič is an important figure in the promotion of contemporary Slovene music in that he was among the founders of the Composers’ Club at the Academy of Music (1954) and the Pro Musica Viva group (1958), which led to the formation of the “Slavko Osterc” Ensemble, one of the most important ensembles led by Ivo Petrič (1962 – 82) and one which has been responsible for stimulating more new compositions than any other 20th century Slovene ensemble. Petrič’s output as a composer is enormous and varied and of a very high quality. It is typified by instrumental balance. His search for new sounds began with Slovene precedessors and the classics of 20th century European music. His music features a neo-impressionist refinement, a predisposition for strings and ubiquitous lyricism. Although he dabbled initially in graphical forms, he is now returning increasingly to normal metrical forms and a linking of the achievements of tried and tested contemporaneity. Petrič’s opus is rich both in symphonic music and in chamber and instrumental works. Particularly noteworthy are the compositions dedicated to well-known concert performers (or which have been commissioned by them). At a time when Slovenia’s musical output is relatively rich and varied, and competition is severe, Petrič remains one of the most respected composers working today.


- A Moray Fantasy
- Alla marcia
- AMIcable Variations
- Autumn encounters / Jesenska srecanja
- Brass Minimusic No. 2
- Burleska, za 4 saxofone
- Canti friulani
- Carintische Variationen II
- Come un nastro di porpora
- Come un nastro di porpora
- Concerto for four clarinets / Koncert za stiri klarinete
- De profundis
- Deux portraits pour deux violons et piano
- Diptykhos za 12 saxofonov
- Divertimento
- Divertimento 95.06
- Duetto cordiale
- Duo concertante for viola and accordion
- Elegija / Elegy
- Fanfara a 4
- Fantasia a 10
- Fantasiana
- Fantasy and Toccata
- Fantasy for many strings and one harp-player
- Fantazija / Fantasy
- Godalni kvartet / String quartet
- Harpsody for two harps
- Hommage à Sergej Prokofiev
- Hornspiele
- Impromptu pour harpe
- In signo librae
- Jubilee concerto for Celea per archi
- Komorna sonata st. 1 / Sonata da camera No. 1
- Koncertantna fantazija / Fantasia concertante
- Koncertantne epizode / Episodes concertants
- Koroske variacije / Carintische Variationen
- Landscapes
- MacPhadraig's Second Scottisch diary
- MacPhadraig's Third Scottish Diary
- MacPhadraig‘s Scottish diary
- Mala Suita / Little Suite for Woodwinds
- Masurian impressions
- Mediteranski preludiji
- Metamorfoze (2015)
- Miniaturen für Clara
- Pagine d‘album per Tatjana
- Pezzo in forma di sonatina
- Pogovori
- Portreti / Portraits
- Preludij za burlesko
- Preludiji - Preludes
- Quartettino
- Quartetto giocoso per tre fagotti e un controfagotto
- Quatre pièces d‘eté pour violon et harpe
- Quatuor 2004...après l'automne
- Quatuor 2006 - ....Elégie pour Hélène
- Quatuor 2014 ...lovely autumn days
- Solemn music
- Solo per contrabbasso
- Sonata
- Sonata n. 2
- Sonata n. 2 per corno e pianoforte
- Sonata No. 1
- Sonata per saxofono e pianoforte
- Sonata per saxofono e pianoforte
- Sonatina per saxhorn
- Suite in Si bemolle
- Summer Games
- Tri kratke skladbe/Three short pieces
- Tri skice/Three sketches for flute and string quartet
- Trio ‘95
- Trio capriccioso za anglecki rog, vibrafon (ksilofon) in harfo
- Trio giocoso za flavto, violoncelo in klavir
- Trio gioioso
- Trio lirico
- Trio No. 2 for piano, violin and cello
- Triosonata
- Variacije na Bartokov tema za violino in klavir
- Variacije na Bartokov za viola in klavir tema
- Winter games / Zimske igre
- Woodwind quintet No. 4 (Metamorphoses)
- Woodwind Quintet No. 5 / Miniature za Veljka

©2009-2025 Pizzicato Verlag Helvetia