Beretta Indovini Luisa

Beretta Indovini Luisa

Born in Milan (26.04.1939), she has been studying piano since the age of 5 years old. During her life she has been very active in Poetry and Painting. She adopted, as painter, the nickname of Lui Goldberg and she exhibited in Italy and other countries. The most important one for her was certainly France, which was very significant for her cultural background. Under the supervision of very famous teachers she continued her musical studies until she realized to be also very interested in classic and modern guitar. Painting and music seemed to equally divide her life until she finally decided to "paint her musical spaces" through notes. She left teaching and she totally dedicate herself to composition. She wrote music for single guitar, duo and trio; single piano and quartet; organ, clarinet in A; horn; quintet and more, without forgetting music for teaching. She actually lives and works in Milan.




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